The aim of adipose tissue engineering is creating autologus vascularized fat tissue to be used for practical soft tissue reconstruction in human clinic. Unfortunately, in practice, long-term results of fat transplantation are often untrustworthy and unreliable, to overcome this problem different many lipoinjection techniques developed in the last 20 years. Centrifuge is a fundamental stepin the preparation of adipose tissue. We focused on some cell markers especially MSCs markers and histological structural properties after with lipokit centrifugation and without lipokit centrifugation of adipose tissue obtained by liposuction by this new technique. Adipose tissue was taken by liposuction and separates to two portions. One of them is centrifugated by Lipokit machine (C+) has a micro filter and the other is not (C-). After centrifugation smear slides and paraffin sections were prepared from these tissues. These slides were stained with H%26E and Toluidine Blue. Paraffin sections were immunohistochemically stained with CD34, von Willebrand Factor, CD73, CD90 and CD105. Smear preparations showed a continuous three dimensional plasma membrane appearance of adipocytes. C+ and C- showed expression of CD34, von Willebrand Factor, CD73, CD90, CD105. C+ seems to have more free cells expressing than C-. While passing the filter of Lipokit, large adipocytes and connective tissue parts disintegrate and thus increases the surface area of lipoaspirate. Lipokit machine release the group cells which are necessary for angiogenesis and they become more freely to construct angiogenesis. El objetivo de la ingenier赤a del tejido adiposo es la creaci車n de tejido graso vascularizado aut車logo para ser utilizado en cl赤nica humana para la reconstrucci車n de tejido blando. Desafortunadamente en la pr芍ctica, los resultados a largo plazo del trasplante de grasa son poco fiables y no seguros; para superar este problema, se han desarrollado en diferentes pa赤ses, en los 迆ltimos 20 a os, variadas t谷cnicas de lipoinyecci車n. La centrifugaci車n es un paso fundamental en la preparaci車n del tejido adiposo. Nos hemos centrado en algunos marcadores, especialmente, de c谷lulas precursoras mesenquimales y propiedades histol車gicas estructurales despu谷s de la centrifugaci車n mediante Lipokit y sin la centrifugaci車n por Lipokit del tejido adiposo obtenido mediante liposucci車n. El tejido adiposo fue tomado por liposucci車n y se separ車 en dos porciones. Una se centrifug車 mediante el sistema Lipokit (C +), con un microfiltro y la otro no (C-). Despu谷s de centrifugaci車n, muestras del frotis y secciones de pa