Effect of target composition on proton acceleration in ultraintense laser-thin foil interaction

作者:Liu, Qingcao; Liu, Meng; Yu, Tongpu; Ding, Pengji; Liu, Zuoye; Sun, Shaohua; Liu, Xiaoliang; Lu, Xing; Guo, Zeqin; Hu, Bitao*
来源:Physics of Plasmas, 2012, 19(9): 093108.


The interactions of ultraintense circularly polarized laser pulses with a mixed solid target and a double-layer target are studied by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. Different carbon and proton compositions in the targets are used in the simulations. It is shown that the proton acceleration mechanisms in both targets are very sensitive to the ion density ratios between protons and carbon ions. For a mixed solid target, a relatively low proton density gives rise to monoenergetic peaks in the proton energy spectrum while a high proton density leads to a large cut-off energy and wide energy spread. With the increase of the ratio, the so-called directed-Coulomb-explosion becomes dominated over the radiation pressure. Surprisingly, for a double-layer target with a front proton layer and an ultrathin rear carbon layer, a highly monoenergetic proton beam with a peak energy of 1.7 GeV/u, an energy spread of similar to 4%, and a divergency angle of 2 degrees can be obtained, which might have diverse applications in medical therepy and proton imaging in future.