a selection has been made of books and web-sites on the clinical relationship, understood as the relationship between health professionals and patients in a broad sense. in this framework there is a confluence of communication, values (bioethics), psycho-emotional aspects, technical knowledge, care decisions and processes (development and interaction in time), in an institutional and social context. the book references are presented as a type of %26quot;cocktail%26quot; in an effort to establish bridges between the dimensions mentioned above and so that each reader can select the combination that best answers their needs. the list of internet addresses, which is briefer, is a sample of %26quot;sources%26quot;, where rest, perspective, resources, examples and stimulation can be sought. one of the many challenges that the xxi century will pose to medicine, and not the least important, is the reformulation of its social contract with the citizens; to this end updating the clinical relationship will play a crucial role.