A etnobotanica se caracteriza por buscar entender a rela o entre as plantas e o homem, podendo-se atrav谷s desta conhecer a utiliza o das plantas medicinais como forma de tratamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento sobre as formas de utiliza o da Babosa (Aloe vera L.) e da Camomila (Matricaria chamomilla L.). A coleta de dados envolveu entrevistas de forma aleat車ria a 400 pessoas, atrav谷s de um question芍rio semi-estruturado, no munic赤pio de Cascavel, Estado do Paran芍. Observou-se que 65% da popula o utilizam 角 babosa ou a camomila na cura ou al赤vio de doen as. A maioria dosentrevistados possui renda de 2 a 4 sal芍rios m赤nimos (60,25%), idade entre 28 a 38 anos (30,75%), tendo conclu赤do o ensino m谷dio (33,75%). O principal motivo pelo qual a popula o se utiliza de plantas medicinais 谷 por ser natural (71,84%). A forma de preparo mais freq邦ente da camomila foi por infus o (63,38%), utilizando as flores (92%). Para a babosa 100% utilizam suas folhas na forma de cataplasma (43,88%). Apenas 3% da popula o relataram ter apresentado algum tipo de rea o adversa, durante o per赤odo de utiliza o. Conclui-se que o uso destas plantas pela popula o 谷 freq邦ente, sendo um recurso adicional ao uso de medicamentos. The ethnobotany, which is characterized by look for to understand the relationship between the plants and the man, being been able through this to know the use of the medicinal plants as treatment. The objective of this work was to accomplish a rising on the forms of use of the Aloe (Aloe vera L.) and of the Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.). The collection of data involved interviews in a random way to a sample of 400 people through a semi-structured questionnaire, in the city of Cascavel, Paran芍 State. It was observed that 65% of the population use to aloe or the chamomile in the cure or relief of diseases. Most of the interviewees possesses income from 2 to 4 minimum wages (60.25%), age between 28 to 38 years (30.75%), having concluded the high school (33.75%). The main reason for which the population is used of medicinal plants is for being natural (71.84%). The form of more frequent preparation of the chamomile was for infusion (63.38%), using the flowers (92%). To the aloe, 100% uses their leaves in the cataplasm form (43.88%). Only 3% of the population told to have presented some type of adverse reaction, during the use period. Is it conclued ended that the use of these plants for the population is frequent, being an additional resource to the use of medicines.