A terapia celular no tratamento da isquemia cr赤tica dos membros inferiores

作者:Araujo; Jose Dalmo de; Araujo Filho; Jose Dalmo de; Ciorlin; Emerson; Ruiz; Milton Artur; Ruiz; Lilian Piron; Greco; Oswaldo Tadeu; Lago; Mario Roberto; Ardito; Roberto Vito
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2005.


the authors review the history of the researches on embryonic and umbilical cord vein stem cells, their advantages and disadvantages. they proceed with comments on adult stem cells, their concept, history, sources and role on tissue regenerative processes, mainly on the endothelium. they stress the importance of factors that mobilize the adult stem cells from the bone marrow: cytokines, angyopoietine and other growth factors. the adult stem cells are mobilized as endothelial progenitor cells, which have a common origin with the endothelial cells from the hemangioblasts. the mobilizing factors are activated under hypoxia and promote the homing of the endothelial progenitor cells on the ischemic sites in order to generate the neovasculogenesis, which is accomplished through three possible mechanisms: angiogenesis (new capillaries from sprouts of the existing ones), arteriogenesis (related to collateral circulation) and vasculogenesis (actual new vessels). an appraisal of the literature is made with regard to animal and clinical sets finally, they stress that adult stem cells, although bearing an enormous potential, still demand a considerable amount of work to become a current therapeutic method.
