
Entre marzo de 1858 y febrero de 1859 se edit車 en la capital francesa El Eco de Par赤s , t赤tulo de una revista concebida y producida en idioma espa ol por un grupo de cubanos que estudiaban all赤 Medicina, y en cuyas p芍ginas registraban y transmit赤an los estudios, trabajos y doctrinas de la escuela francesa a sus compatriotas que realizaban los mismos estudios en la Universidad de La Habana. Por este conducto tuvieron los estudiantes de La Habana la oportunidad de acceder a los conocimientos adquiridos por sus hom車logos en Par赤s, as赤 como a los progresos de las ciencias m谷dicas en Francia, dado que no todos los cubanos pod赤an estudiar fuera de la isla y que los que se manten赤an en ella conoc赤an en muy pocos casos el idioma de los trabajos originales, traducidos por los redactores de la revista. En este art赤culo se presenta un inventario de todos los trabajos publicados en ella durante los 12 meses que circul車, en el cual se compilan sus asientos bibliogr芍ficos en orden cronol車gico. A continuaci車n se brinda una lista alfab谷tica con los nombres de los autores firmantes de los art赤culos y, por 迆ltimo, otra relaci車n, tambi谷n en orden alfab谷tico, de los asuntos en ellos abordados. Between March of 1858 and February of 1859, *El Eco de Par赤s*, a magazine created and produced in Spanish by a group of Cubans that studied Medicine in the capital of France , was published there. In its pages, the studies, works and doctrines of the French school were registered and conveyed to their countrymen who took the same studies in the University of Havana . This gave the students from Havana the opportunity to have access to the know-how acquired by their counterparts in Paris, as well as to the progresses of the medical sciences in France, since not all the Cubans had the chance to study out of the island, and the ones that stayed there rarely knew the language of the original works, translated by the writers of the magazine. An inventory of all the works published in this magazine during its 12 months of circulation is presented in this article, in which their bibliographical records are compiled in chronological order. Subsequently, an alphabetical list with the names of the authors that signed the articles is offered and, finally, there is another list, also arranged in alphabetical order, of the topics that were dealt with.
