
Um experimento foi conduzido para estudar a adsor o de f車sforo (P) emamostras de dez solos do Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. As rela es entre atributos f赤sicos e qu赤micos do solo e as isotermas de adsor o de P foram tamb谷m avaliadas. Os resultados mostraram que a capacidade m芍xima de adsor o de fosfato (CMAP), o P-remanescente (P-rem) e a constante k de da equa o Freundlich s o vari芍veis confi芍veis para se caracterizar a adsor o de P pelos solos. Pela sua praticidade de determina o, o Prem 谷 a vari芍vel mais indicada. Os parametros de adsor o de P CMAP, P-rem e constante k de Freundlich apresentaram correla o (p %26lt; 0,01) com os atributos qu赤micos acidezpotencial (H+Al), alum赤nio troc芍vel (Al), capacidade de troca cati nica (CTC) e com os atributos f赤sicos teor de argila e capacidade de campo (CC). As vari芍veis CC, P-rem, H+Al, Al, CTC e teor de argila, entre os atributos f赤sicos e qu赤micos avaliados, permitem para os solos estudados a estimativa do valor da CMAP. A energia de adsor o de fosfato e a constante n da isoterma de Freundlich n o foram indicadores confi芍veis do poder de adsor o de f車sforo dos solos. An experiment was carried out to study phosphorus (P) adsorption in ten soil samples from Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil. The relationship between physical and chemical soil attributes and P adsorption isotherms were also evaluated. The results showed that maximum phosphorus adsorption capacity (MPAC), remaining P (Rem-P) and the k constant of the Freundlich equation are reliable variables to characterize P adsorption by the soils. Due to its easy determination, Rem-P is the best indicated variable. The parameters of P adsorption MPAC, Rem-P and the k constant of the Freundlich equation showed correlation (p %26lt; 0.01) with the chemical attributes potential acidity (H+Al), exchangeable aluminum (Al), exchangeable cation capacity (ECC) and with the physical attributes clay and field capacity (FC). The variables FC, Rem-P, H+Al, Al, ECC and clay, among the chemical and physical attributes evaluated, allowed estimating the MPAC value on the studied soils. The P adsorption energy and the n constant of the Freundlich isotherm were not reliable indicators of the P soil adsorption power.
