Uso da ciclosporina em paciente portador de hepatite C e psor赤ase pustulosa

作者:Bomm; Lislaine; Zimmermann; Carolina; Souto; Roberto; Bressan; Aline; Gripp; Alexandre
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


cyclosporine has been contraindicated in patients with chronic infections such as infection with hepatitis c because of its immunosuppressive effect. recent studies have shown however that cyclosporine suppresses viral replication and thus cannot exacerbate infection with hepatitis c when employed for treating patients with psoriasis. we present the case of a female patient with psoriasis for 30 years and hepatitis c for 20 years, with diffuse circinate lesions. improvement in the skin condition and liver enzymes was obtained with the use of cyclosporine, with no adverse effect
