El VIH/SIDA es una epidemia de proporciones mundiales. Un factor esencial para reducir su avance es la educaci車n de las personas, sobre todo de los j車venes. Se exponen los antecedentes, actividades, resultados y ense anzas obtenidas con BiblioSIDA, un servicio de informaci車n a la comunidad que presta la Biblioteca M谷dica Nacional de Cuba, con el prop車sito de incidir favorablemente en el grado de informaci車n sobre la enfermedad y el autocuidado de sus usuarios. HIV/AIDS is a worldwide disease. An important factor to reduce its progress is the education of people, mainly of the young people. The history, activities, results and teachings obtained with BiblioSIDA, an information service for the community provided by the National Medical Library of Cuba, are exposed aimed at influencing favorably on the degree of information on this disease and the self-care of its users.