the investigation studies on the sentinel node in cancers of the feminine genital apparatus return indispensable systematizing the pelvic lymphatic nodes as well as the use of a unique nomenclature. the importance of the sentinel node in the cancer of uterine cervix is more and more evident. from the anatomical and surgical point of view we must be precise at the time of assigning certain topography and his relation with a nodal chain. only unifying criteria, the different series from studies in search of common results will be able to be homogenized. the objetives to study the lymphatic nodes chains of pelvis and systematize the location of its nodes as an anatomical support to the investigation of the sentinel node in the cancer of uterine cervix. descriptive study based on anatomical dissections and histological studies of surgical pelvic lymphadenectomies. by abdominal dissection of 10 feminine pelvises the pelvic nodes chains were a boarded. the nodes groups tied with a iliac vascular axis, arterial as much venous. the findings with those of 21 pelvic linfadenectom赤as of operations of wertheim-meigs were compared. the external iliac chain was the richest in nodes standing out the 赤nter iliac and infra venous nodes as well as the nodes of the obturator pedicule, considered like members of the medial external iliac chain. less frequently were nodes pertaining to the internal iliac chain in a 60% of the cases the existence of medial common iliac nodes was verified (group of the promontory) that not always are including in the lymphadenectomy. the systematization of the lymphatic nodes chains is the base to assign a correct denomination to the sentinel node in the cancer of uterine cervix. the nodes more commonly found and than have greater surgical projection are the infra venous, obturatores and inter iliac