
The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ. It is wedge shaped and measures about 1 inch thick, 3 inches broad and 5 inches long. It presents characteristic notches on its superior margin and has a hilum on the visceral surface. The aim was to study the anomalies related to size, shape and external features of the spleen and discuss their clinical importance. As there are not many reports on variations in size shape and features of spleen in the South Indian population, we decided to do this study on cadaveric specimens. We observed 50 spleens fixed with 10% formalin. Among the 50 spleens observed, 25 spleens (50%) were normal and had all the features explained in the textbooks. 25 spleens (50%) did not have any notches on the superior margin, 2 spleens (4%) did not have a hilum and 4 spleens (8%) were small sized i.e. about 3 inches long. One of the spleens (2%) was %26quot;liver shaped%26quot; with 2 lobes. The knowledge of external features and dimensions of spleen are important for radiologists and surgeons as it may lead to confusions in interpreting radiographs and in the procedures of ultrasound examinations. El bazo es el mayor 車rgano linfoide. Tiene forma de cu a y mide alrededor de 2,5 cm de espesor, 7,5 cm de ancho y 12,5 cm de largo. Presenta incisuras caracter赤sticas en su margen superior y tiene un hilio en la superficie visceral. Debido a que no existen muchos informes sobre las variaciones del bazo en la poblaci車n del sur de la India, el objetivo de esta investigaci車n fue estudiar dichas variaciones y discutir su importancia cl赤nica. Se observaron 50 bazos fijados con formalina al 10%. 25 bazos (50%) fueron normales y ten赤an las caracter赤sticas que se explican en los libros anat車micos. 25 bazos (50%) no ten赤an ninguna incisura en el margen superior, 2 bazos (4%) no ten赤an hilio y 4 bazos (8%) eran de tama o peque o, con alrededor de 7,2 cm de largo. Uno de los bazos (2%) ten赤a %26quot;forma de h赤gado%26quot; con dos l車bulos. El conocimiento de las caracter赤sticas externas y las dimensiones del bazo son importantes para los radi車logos y cirujanos, ya que pueden dar lugar a confusiones en la interpretaci車n de radiograf赤as y en los procedimientos de examen ultrasonogr芍fico.
