Versˋo brasileira da Escala de Avaliaˋˋo da Cogniˋˋo em Esquizofrenia (SCoRS-Br): validaˋˋo em contextos cl赤nicos sem informantes

作者:Ferreira Junior; Breno de Castro; Barbosa; Marilourdes do Amaral; Barbosa; Izabela Guimares; Borges; Adaise; Hara; Claudia; Rocha; Fabio Lopes
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2010.


objective: the scors is an interview-based co-primary measure of cognitive function in schizophrenia that is related to cognitive performance as well as to real-world functioning. its original version involves interviews with patients and informants. the objective of this study was to seek evidence of convergent validity and reliability of the brazilian version of scors (scors-br) with patients in clinical settings without qualified informants. method: forty nine patients with schizophrenia (dsm-iv) were assessed with the scors-br two potential convergent validators: the r1 test and the mini mental state evaluation (mmse). pearson correlations between the mean scores of the instruments were estimated. internal consistence of the scors-br was also evaluated. results: pearson correlation between the scors-br interviewer rating and the r1 test was low but significative. cronbach%26apos;s coefficients were 0.8829 for the interviewer rating and 0.8468 for the patient rating. split-half were 0.811 and 0.806 respectively. conclusions: the results showed the convergent validity and reliability of the scors-br even when used without informants. other studies are required to investigate other validation criteria.
