Tratamento da congestˋo p谷lvica associada a varizes dos membros inferiores: relato de uma pequena s谷rie de casos

作者:Oliveira; Fabio Augusto Cypreste; Amorelli; Carlos Eduardo de Sousa; Campedelli; Fabio Lemos; Barreto; Juliana Caetano; Barreto; Mariana Caetano; Silva; Philippe Moreira da; Meirelles; Fernanda Lauar Sampaio
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2012.


the pelvic congestion syndrome is defined by anatomical criteria, hemodynamic and clinical result of hypertension and venocapillary stasis in the pelvic area and can be extended to the lower limbs. the presence of varicose veins of the lower limbs may or may not correlate reflux of the saphenous system and, in cases of absence of saphenous reflux, the reflux pelvic presents itself as an important etiological factor responsible for recurrence of venous disease in lower limbs. the authors report a small series of three cases of young patients suffering from pelvic congestion syndrome associated with varicose veins of the lower limbs treated by pelvic embolization and surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs during the surgical procedure with good initial results and no embolic complications.
