Adesˋo de mulheres mastectomizadas ao in赤cio precoce de um programa de reabilitaˋˋo

作者:Gutierrez; Maria Gaby Rivero de; Bravo; Michelle Manzoli; Chanes; Daniella Cristina; Vivo; Maria Claudia Rodrigues De; Souza; Gabriela Olbrich de
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2007.


objectives: the main objective was to measure adherence to an early rehabilitation program among women who underwent mastectomy. other specific objectives included the identification of women%26apos;s difficulties to comply with the exercise prescription and to perform daily life activities, and whether women%26apos;s adherence to the rehabilitation program was effective in regaining their shoulder%26apos;s full range of motion on the side of the surgery. methods: a prospective study design was used. a sample of 28 women who underwent mastectomy and agreed to participate in an early rehabilitation program from discharge to the first outpatient clinic follow-up participated in the study. data were collected from 2003 to 2004 in the oncomastology outpatient clinic of the hospital sˋo paulo of the university federal of sˋo paulo. results: the majority of women (63.2%) adhered to the early rehabilitation program. the majority of women (82.1%) also reported having difficulties to perform the prescribed exercise program due to pain but not with daily life activities. conclusion: pain management and patient education must be addressed to improve adherence to the early rehabilitation program.
