Itch, disease coping strategies and quality of life in psoriasis patients

作者:Ograczyk Alicja*; Miniszewska Joanna; Kepska Anna; Zalewska Janowska Anna
来源:Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii, 2014, 31(5): 299-304.


Introduction: Psoriasis is a psychodermatological condition, so psychological factors can trigger and/or exacerbate skin lesions. Additionally, disease can be a source of stress and can worsen patients' quality of life (QoL). Aim: To evaluate the relationship between medical (disease severity, itch) and psychological variables (disease coping strategies, QoL) in the psoriasis patients group. Material and methods: The study comprises 60 in-patients of the dermatological ward (30 females and 30 males) with the diagnosis of psoriasis. Methods used: Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), Itch Severity Evaluation Questionnaire, Coping with Skin Disease Scale-SRS-DER, SKINDEX-29 questionnaire. Results: The study demonstrated significant correlations between disease coping strategies, itch and quality of life. Women presented worse QoL (generally and in physical functioning). The older patients with a longer disease duration revealed QoL impairment. Conclusions: The obtained results could help in identifying patients risk groups which are in the highest danger of decreased QoL Our data indicate the need for psychological interventions.