
作者:Zhang Yang; Li Yanlei; Luo Wei; Zhao Ruxia; Wang Jinmei*; Yang Xiaoquan
来源:Modern Food Science and Technology, 2022, 38(4): 76-82.


In this study, spray-dried hollow salt microspheres were prepared by using gum Arabic (GA) as the main additive and the effects of processing conditions on the physicochemical properties of the hollow salt microspheres were investigated. The results showed that GA migrated quickly to the surface of the hollow salt microspheres due to its excellent surface activity and the atomic percentage of C and O on the surface of the microspheres was increased to 41.03% and 10.97%, respectively. Hollow salt microspheres with minor size (10~20 μm), low volume density (0.45 g/mL) and high specific surface area were produced. The hollow structure was in favor of the rapid melting of salt particles (60 s), which was 2.67-fold faster than normal table salt. The particle size of salt microspheres was highly related to the GA concentration. Thicker GA shell was formed and the particle size was subsequently raised from 12.49 μm to 19.23 μm with the concentration of GA increased from 0.50% to 0.75%, while minor-sized microspheres were fabricated at high concentration (1.0%) due to the effect of GA on reducing the formation and growing time of crystal nucleuses. The salt concentration had no significant effect on the particle size of hollow salt microspheres. Decreasing inlet temperature facilitated the formation of hollow salt microspheres with small particle size (15.30 μm). GA concentration of 0.5%, salt concentration of 35%, and inlet temperature of 130 ℃ were considered to be the best processing conditions. The minor size and hollow structure of hollow salt microspheres improved the salt dispersity on the surface of fried peanuts, decreased the granular sensation and enhanced the salinity and characteristic flavor of fried peanuts compared to equal amount of normal table salt and salt-GA mixture. This study could provide the theoretical guidance for the development of salt-reduced food. ? 2022, Editorial Board of Modern Food Science and Technology. All right reserved.
