VacciMonitor es una revista cient赤fica especializada en vacunas, perteneciente a %26quot;Finlay Ediciones%26quot;, 迆nica con esas caracter赤sticas en Latinoam谷rica. Sin embargo, son pocos los art赤culos publicados por investigadores cubanos, lo que limita la difusi車n de los logros que en ese sector de la ciencia ha alcanzado Cuba. Se propuso, por tanto, identificar los motivos por los cuales los investigadores nacionales no publican en ella, mediante encuestas escritas en 40 investigadores de centros cient赤ficos y de salud seleccionados en cuatro provincias. VacciMonitor, producto l赤der de %26quot;Finlay Ediciones%26quot;, tiene amplias potencialidades, y si bien est芍 indexada en numerosas bases de datos internacionales, debe alcanzar las m芍s importantes en este campo para hacerla m芍s atractiva entre los investigadores. Las virtudes de la revista son poco conocidas en el 芍mbito acad谷mico nacional, principal causa por la cual los investigadores nacionales no publican, y tampoco est芍n motivados para esto. VacciMonitor is a scientific journal specialized in vaccines, belonging to %26quot;Finlay Ediciones%26quot;, unique with those characteristics in Latin America. However, there are few articles published by Cuban researchers, which restrict the achievements spreading that in that sector of the science our country has obtained. Therefore, we propose to identify the reasons by which the national researchers do not publish in it, by means of written questionnaires applied to 40 researchers of scientific and health centers selected in four provinces. VacciMonitor, the leading product of %26quot;Finlay Ediciones%26quot;, has wide potentialities, and it is indexed in numerous international databases, it must reach the most important ones in this field to make it more attractive between the researchers. The journal%26apos;s virtues are little known in the national academic field, main reason for which the national researchers do not publish, neither they are motivated for it.