The transcondylar approach (TA) has been used in surgeries to access lesions in areas close to the foramen magnum (FM) and is performed directly through the occipital condyle (OC) or through the atlanto-occipital joint and adjacent portions of the same. The objective of this study is to examine anatomical variations related to the TA by morphometric parameters of the FM, OC and of the hypoglossal canal (HC) in dry skulls and in computed tomography (CT). In 111 skulls, characteristics of the HC, and measures related to the FM, the HC and to the OC were examined. In CT, the measurements obtained bilaterally in 10 patients who underwent examination of the skull base in 1 mm-thick axial helical cuts were the distances from the outer half of the clivus to the opening of the HC; from the lower portion of the OC to the middle of HC; from the inner half of the clivus to the intracranial opening of the HC and to the midpoint of the HC; from the HC extracranial opening to the lower portion of the OC and to the outer half of the clivus. The results of CT measurements are consistent to previous studies of morphometric variations related to the TA, with no significant difference between the measurements obtained in the right and in the left sides, or related to gender. The data obtained by three-dimensional CT images are important in assessing the morphometric variations of pre-surgical patientsof TA. El acceso transcondilar (AT)ha sido utilizado comoun procedimiento quir迆rgico para lesiones cercanas al foramen magnum(FM)y se realizadirectamente a trav谷s delc車ndilooccipital (CO)o por medio delas porciones atlanto-occipitalconjuntay adyacentesde lamisma.El objetivo del presenteestudio fue examinarlas variaciones anat車micas relacionadas con el AT mediantelos par芍metros morfom谷tricos del FM, CO y el canal delhipogloso (CH) en cr芍neossecos y tomograf赤a computadorizada (CT). En 111 cr芍neos fueron examinadas las caracter赤sticasdel CH y tomadas medidas relacionadas con el FM, CO y CH. En la CT, las mediciones se obtuvieron de forma bilateral en10 pacientes que se sometieron a ex芍men de la base del cr芍neo en corte axial helicoidal de 1mm de espesor. Las medidas tomadas fueron las distancias: de la mitad exterior del clivus a la apertura del CH; de la parte inferior de las emisiones de CO a la mitad del CH; de la mitad interna del clivus a la apertura intracraneal del CH y hasta el punto medio del CH; de la apertura extracraneal del CH a la parte inferior de las emisiones de CO y hasta la mitad exterior del clivus. Los resultados de las mediciones de CT son consistentes con