objective: to adapt cross-culturally and to analyze the clinimetric properties of the veines-qolˋsym, which is a specific questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life and symptoms in patients with chronic venous disease. methods: the veines-qolˋsym was adapted according to the recommended methodology and administered to 74 subjects (53,7㊣12,3 years-old) with chronic venous disease, who were assisted at the outpatient clinic. results: the results showed a good internal consistency for veines-qol (cronbach%26apos;s alpha (汐) = 0,88) and veines/sym (汐=0,84). the inter and intra-rater reliability evaluated by the intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0,95-0,98 for veines-qol and 0,76-0,79 for the veines/sym. the intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated for each item and some of them showed values lower than the expected, deserving a revision. the correlations with sf-36 were significant (p%26lt;0.001); however, of moderate magnitude. only the veines-qol was capable to distinguish the subjects in two groups, according to the severity of chronic venous disease (p=0.02). conclusion: the veines-qol/sym, brazil-portuguese version has presented good clinimetric properties and has shown to be applicable to the population