Sistemas de cultivo e uso de diferentes adubos na produˋˋo de silagem e grˋos de milho

作者:Castoldi; Gustavo; Costa; Mnica Sarolli Silva de Mendona; Costa; Luiz Antonio de Mendona; Pivetta; Laercio Augusto; Steiner; Fabio
来源:Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, 2011.


the aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of the corn crop for silage and grain production, cultivated under different culture systems and fertilizations. the experiment was performed using a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme. the factors were two culture systems (no-tillage with crop succession and no-tillage with crop rotation) and three sources of fertilization (organic, mineral and organic-mineral), with four repetitions, totaling 24 plots. the results of production of fullplant ensilage in the systems as well as in the fertilization did not differ statistically. the results of humid grain production in the system in succession and in mineral fertilization were superior than the others treatments, producing 10,823 and 10,815 kg ha-1, respectively; however, they did not increase ensilage quality. regarding the grain harvest, the system in succession produced 6,820 kg ha-1 on average, and was superior to the crop rotation system. the results of mineral fertilization were superior to the organic and the organic-mineral fertilizations, producing on average 7,277 kg ha-1; however, that system featured 54.62% of damped-off plants, which could have resulted in significant yield lost had the harvest been mechanized.
