objective: this qualitative study aimed to get to know the meaning of the experience and training program in the reality of the single health system (ver-sus) for healthcare students%26apos; education. methods: participants were ten students from public and private schools. semi-structured questions were used for data collection. the answers were subject to thematic analysis, revealing three categories: knowledge about sus in the education process; ver-sus as an instrument for insertion into academic policies and/or other social movements; ver-sus and academic education. results: the results showed that participation in ver-sus contributed to individual improvement, highlighting its importance as a public policy. it represented a triggering factor of participation in social and especially student movements. despite the quality of the experience, application by the group will be difficult, due to the faculty members%26apos; lack of knowledge and/or little interest in sus. conclusion: ver-sus is important for education, despite its small range, and can contribute to the political education of future professionals. it permits interdisciplinary and multiprofessional insertion into education.