Avaliaˋˋo da determinaˋˋo do tempo de protrombina em amostras de sangue colhidas por duas diferentes t谷cnicas

作者:Reis; Paulo Roberto de Melo; Mesquita; Mauro Meira de; Dias Penna; Karlla Greick Batista; Castro; Frank de Souza; Balestra; Fernando Amorim
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2005.


the objective of the present study is to evaluate the interference of different blood collection techniques in determining prothrombin time. two collection techniques were used. one of them uses the vacuum system and the other, manual aspiration using plastic syringe. the obtained values of determination of prothrombin time from these two techniques were compared. we analyzed patientsˋ samples that presented normal and non-normal prothrombin time owing to oral treatment with anticoagulant medication. the conclusion was that the collection processes using either vacuum system or manual aspiration with plastic syringe to obtain samples destined to the prothrombin time analysis do not interfere in the test result and the obtained values. in comparing both collecting techniques we did not find any significant statistical differences.
