the effects of fixation time in buffered formaline at 10% on different methods of antigenic site retrieval induced by heat (hier) for the detection of the expression of antibodies anti-pcna (nuclear proliferation antigen) and anti-ae1 and ae3 (citokeratins) were studied. specimens with cross section of 0,5 cm2 from five tonsils from ellective tonsillectomies done at hospital sˋo paulo unifesp/epm were fixed for six, 12, 18, 24 and 48 hours and embedded in paraffin for the production of 4mm sections. for hier was used a steamer, microwave oven and pressure cooker. the level of pcna expression was assessed by the ratio stained nuclei: total number of nuclei. the staining intensity was assessed by using corel photo paint 9 and ut morph 2.0 softwares. the present study has shown that: 1) for the detection of anti-pcna, the use of a microwave oven provided the best results; 2) for the detection of anti-pcna, longer fixation periods, specially after 24 hours, causes the staining intensity to decrease; 3) for the detection of ae1 and ae3, all procedures used provided equivalent levels of staining.