Alteraˋˋes do TSH em pacientes com s赤ndrome de Down: uma interpretaˋˋo nem sempre f芍cil

作者:Nisihara; Renato M; Utiyama; Shirley R R; Fiedler; Patricia T; Oliveira; Nanci P; Kotze; Lorete M S; Messias Reason; Iara
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2006.


objective: to evaluate the thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) levels and the presence of antithyroperoxidase antibody (anti-tpo) in downˋs syndrome (ds) patients from hospital de cl赤nicas of universidade federal do paran芍 (hc/ufpr). methods: seventy-two ds patients, non-related and consecutively selected (mean age 6.15) were included in the study. eighty matched healthy children were used as controls. the tsh measurement and the anti-tpo were determined by immunometric assay in all samples. results: thirty patients with ds (42.9%) presented abnormal levels of tsh; 4.3% showed values below 0.5米iu/ml and 38.6% presented values higher than 5米iu/ml (range 5.1-22; mean 5.56 ㊣ 4.18米iu/ml). the mean concentration of tsh in the controls was 2.76 ㊣ 1.14米iu/ml, indicating a significant increase in tsh levels in the ds patients (p %26lt; 0.001). similarly, a significant difference was observed in the anti-tpo positivity in the patientsˋ group (15.4%) when compared with the controls (0%; p %26lt; 0.001). in addition, the tsh levels of patients older than 9 years presented a significant increase (mean of 6.86 ㊣ 4.6米iu/ml) when compared with the levels observed in patients younger than 9 years (mean of 5.24 ㊣ 3.81米iu/ml; p = 0.006). the same pattern was observed in the positivity of anti-tpo (6/20 vs. 5/52; p = 0.041). conclusions: the results demonstrated high prevalence of elevated tsh and anti-tpo in the patients from the ds ambulatory of hc/ufpr, with increased frequency in those older than 9 years. the data indicate that the evaluation of thyroid function in ds patients must receive special attention from health professionals who take care of these patients.
