Effect of Sodium Nitroprusside on Vase Life and Postharvest Quality of a Cut Rose Cultivar (Rosa hybrida &Utopia*)

作者:Maryam Seyf; Ahmad Khalighi; Younes Mostofi; Roohangiz Naderi
来源:Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012.


This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) as a nitric oxide (NO) donor compound on postharvest life of a cut rose cultivar (Rosa hybrida &Utopia*). At laboratory with 21 ㊣ 2oC temperature, 70% relative humidity, and 12h photoperiod, flowers were treated with SNP (0 (Control = Distilled water), (50 and 100 米Molar) solutions for 24 hours and then were transferred to distilled water and were held in distilled water until the end of the vase life. Soluble protein content, solution uptake rate, relative fresh weight, total chlorophyll (a+b) content, and vase life of flowers were determined. Results showed that flowers treated with 50 米Molar SNP had more soluble protein content compared to control. SNP (50 米Molar) application increased solution uptake rate of flower stems. Also flowers treated with 50 米Molar SNP had more relative fresh weight compared to control significantly. SNP (50 米Molar) increased vase life of cut rose &Utopia* from 11 days (control) to 13.3 days.
