
<正>It’s like a pool of strawberry milkshake!And yet,the pink water you see here is actually a lake.Less than an hour away from the capital city of Senegal,Lake Retba,or Lac Rose,as it is known by the locals,is a saltwater lake.Lake Retba has a salinity1 that compares to the Dead Sea,and even exceeds2 it in dry weather,making it look even pinker.It’s pink colour is caused by a kind of microorganism3,which is attracted by the lake’s salt content.In order to absorb4 sunlight,it produces the red stuff,and in the process,gives the lake it’s unique pink colour.它就像一池草莓奶昔!然而,你在这里看到的粉红色水域实际上是一个湖。瑞特巴湖距离塞内加尔的首都不到一个小时的路程。它是一个咸水湖,当地人称之为玫瑰湖。瑞特巴湖的盐度可与死海相比,在干燥的天气里甚至超过了死海,使它看起来更加粉红。它的粉红色是由一种微生物引起的,它被湖水的盐含量所吸引。为了吸收阳光,它会产生一种红色物质,在这个过程中,使湖水呈现出独特的粉红色。