background: endemic pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune, cutaneous and bullous disease, most incident in the midwest of brazil and with a lower incidence in some south-american countries. although its autoimune character has been demonstrated by the presence of autoantibodies and by the importance of genetic predisposition, the environmental factors that trigger the disease have not been clearly established yet. objectives: to know the distribution of the disease in the state of goias, and its social and demographic characteristics. methods: two hundred and ten patient records with an established diagnosis from the period between 1996 and 2001 were analyzed. demographical information was correlated with the state population, and the incidence of the disease was determined for each of its microregions. results: a higher incidence of the disease was observed in the rural areas, among patients in the third decade of life, with a slight familiar occurrence and with no gender preference. the largest contingent (74.3%) of patients came from the state of goi芍s, and the greatest incidences occurred in the microregions of anicuns, chapada dos veadeiros, rio vermelho, vale do rio dos bois, ipor芍 e aragarˋas. conclusions: there was a prevalence of the disease in the third decade of life and in those individuals who lived or worked in rural areas. disease concentration areas were detected, through calculation of an incidence coefficient, in some of the microregions, especially in the central area of the state of goi芍s. further research is necessary to clarify the reasons for this ecological concentration.