
作者:李娟; 李静; 齐燕飞; 王宏芳; 王恩波; 胡长文; 许林; 吴新宇
来源:高等学校化学学报, 2004, (06): 1010-1012.


5-Fluorouracil salt(WBF) of 12-tungstoboric acid with Keggin structure was synthesized and its structure was characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 183 W NMR and elementary analysis. The MTT experimental results show that WBF has a stronger killing ability for liver cancer cells in vitro. The acute toxicity of WBF was carried out. The half toxicity dose LD_ 50 of WBF orally administrated to mice is 1 117.4 mg/kg. [WT5HZ]