Acci車n Antimicrobiana in vitro de la Miel de Abejas sobre los Microorganismos Cariog谷nicos Estreptococos del Grupo mutans

作者:Salazar; Luis A; Medina; Felipe; Donoso; Francisco; Barrientos; Leticia; Sanhueza; Antonio
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2009, 27(1).


the aim of the present issue was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of four commercial honeys against mutans streptococci in schoolchildren with high risk of caries development. we have investigated 20 schoolchildren from temuco city (chile), aged 12 -14 years. saliva samples were obtained by stimulation with solid paraffin. the count of mutans streptococci in saliva was estimated by microbiological method. the antimicrobial activity of honey was evaluated by dilution in tycbs medium in 9 schoolchildren (%26gt; 500.000 cfu/ml). four concentrations of honey were used ranging from 5 to 35%. the presence of s. mutans was detected in 100% of schoolchildren. our data shown that honey present high antimicrobial activity against s. mutans, being the dilutions at 30 and 35% that shown the better inhibitory effect (p0.05). in conclusion, our data showed that honeybees present in vitro antibacterial activity against s. mutans. however, future studies are necessary to characterize the honey components, responsible for this property.
