As an important part of Wilson Cycles, the rifted margin is a critical area in the study of plate tectonics and its evolution. By comparing the crustal structure characteristics and evolution process in three typical rifted margins (magma-rich, magma-poor, magma-intermediate), the main factors, e.g., tectonism, magmatic activity, pre-existing structure and so on, are considered to control the formation of different types of rifted margins. In view of the complex tectonic properties and evolution mechanism of the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS), We propose the key scientific questions and direction for the future: (a) The northern margin of the SCS has a special mechanism possessing partial characteristics of both magma-poor and magma-rich margin; (b) whether the abundant magmatic activities and serpentined mantle exhumation coexist in the northern SCS margin; (c) it is necessary to carry out 3D deep seismic exploration integrated with physical and numerical simulation, so as to establish a scientific and credible geological model of rifting and breakup in the northern SCS margin.
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