
Diatraea saccharalis es la plaga del cultivo de ma赤z de mayor impacto econ車mico en la regi車n pampeana de la Argentina. Las larvas ocasionan p谷rdidas por da os de tipo fisiol車gico y mec芍nico. Las p谷rdidas por da o mec芍nico aumentan a medida que se retrasa la fecha de cosecha, y una de las medidas culturales para prevenirlas es la cosecha anticipada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la relaci車n entre el n迆mero de entrenudos con galer赤as producidas por larvas grandes y el n迆mero de orificios por planta ocasionados por D. saccharalis. El estudio se realiz車 en Manfredi (C車rdoba, Argentina) durante la campa a agr赤cola 1999/2000. Se sigui車 un dise o experimental en parcelas divididas con cinco fechas de siembra y dos niveles de protecci車n con insecticidas (protecci車n total y libre infestaci車n), como factores. Se evaluaron los ajustes a seis modelos mediante an芍lisis de regresi車n lineal y no lineal. El porcentaje de plantas quebradas por debajo de la espiga vari車 de 3,4 a 30%. El modelo lineal explic車 muy bien la relaci車n entre el n迆mero de orificios por planta y el n迆mero de entrenudos con galer赤as del barrenador (R2 =0,95), y para fines predictivos result車 el m芍s adecuado. Diatraea saccharalis is economically the most important pest to corn crops in the Pampa region in Argentina. The tunneling produced by the larvae has negative consequences due to both physiological and mechanical damage (stem falling and ear dislodging). Losses caused by mechanical injuries increase as harvest is delayed, so one of the cultural methods to prevent them is to anticipate harvest. The objective of this work was to study the relationship between the number of bored internodes and the number of holes produced by large D. saccharalis larvae in the stem. The study was perfomed in Manfredi (C車rdoba, Argentina) during the 1999/2000 growing season. It was carried out using a split plot design with five planting dates and protection category (with and without insecticide) as treatments. Six models were evaluated by means of linear and non linear regression. The percentage of stems broken below the ear ranged from 3.4 to 30%. The linear model provided a good description of the relationship between the number of bored internodes and the number of holes per plant (R2 =0.95) and resulted in the best option for predictive purposes.
