Diseases caused by avian paramyxovirus (APMV) occur in commercial, captive and wild birds worldwide, demonstrating the significant economic and ecological importance of these agents. Paramyxoviruses belong to the Paramyxoviridae family, Paramyxovirinae subfamily and Avulavirus genus. During the period 2000 to 2011, stool and small intestine samples of 1647 birds species were sent to the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Biological Institute of S o Paulo, Brazil, for diagnosis of viral agents. The samples were processed by negative staining (rapid preparation) and resin embedding techniques. Under the transmission electron microscope by negative staining technique, in 294 (17.8%) samples of 1647 were visualized paramyxovirus particles pleomorphic, roughly spherical or filamentous, measuring 100 to 500 nm of diameter containing an envelope covered with spikes and characteristic helical herring-bone-like nucleocapsid measuring 15 to 20 nm in diameter. Ultrathin sections of the small intestine fragments revealed the presence of amorphous granular intracytoplasmic inclusions surrounded by membrane and containing viral nucleocapsid measuring 10-14 nm in diameter. Immature particles budding from cell membranes, pleomorphic, spherical and tubular particles containing viral nucleocapsid strands, and the complete particles measured up to 170 nm in diameter were seen in the cytoplasm. Intranuclear inclusions containing viral nucleocapsid were also visualized. Nuclei showed a marginalized chromatin. Las enfermedades causadas por paramixovirus (APMV) ocurren mundialmente, tanto en aves de corral, en aquellas en vida libre o en cautiverio, lo que demuestra la importancia econ車mica y ecol車gica de estos virus. El paramixovirus aviario pertenece a la familia Paramyxoviridae, subfamilia Paramyxovirinae y g谷nero Avulavirus. Durante el periodo de 2000 a 2011, muestras de heces y fragmentos del intestino delgado de 1647 especies de aves han sido enviados al Laboratorio de Microscop赤a Electr車nica, Instituto Biol車gico de S o Paulo, para el diagn車stico de agentes virales. Las heces y fragmentos del intestino delgado, se procesaron por las t谷cnicas de contraste negativo (preparaci車n r芍pida) y la inclusi車n en resina. Al microscopio electr車nico de transmisi車n mediante la t谷cnica de contraste negativo se visualizaron en muestras de 294 aves, part赤culas de paramixovirus, pleom車rficas, m芍s o menos esf谷ricas o filamentosas, de 100 a 500 nm de di芍metro que conten赤an un sobre cubierto por p迆as que presentaban caracter赤stica helicoidal, con nucleocapside tipo espiga, midiendo de 15 a 2