
the aim if the present work is to supply basic information that may help the management of ornamental fishes in the amanˋ sustainable reserve, state of amazonas, brazi. a study of the reproductive biology of heros efasciatus, a cichlid fish with ornamental potential, was performed using specimens collected bi-monthly between february 2006 and january 2007 in ten creeks contributing to lakes amanˋ and urini. the sample collection gear included hand net, seine and traps. in addition, artificial tree branches were used for sampling near the lakes. a total of 140 specimens of h. efasciatus were captured, which corresponded to only 0.07% of all specimens collected. of this total, 50 were male, 42 were female, and 46 individuals could not be sexed due to their small size. the type of growth founded was isometric; with individuals* sizes varying from 14 mm to 174 mm. average fecundity was estimated at 2,502 oocytes. the results of this study will help in implementing several sustainable management measures, such as establishing a minimum size for capture (higher than 97 mm) and imposing a no-fishing restriction during the spawning season of this species (from october till january). to ensure stock continuity due to the low density and low fecundity of h. efasciatus, we suggest that exploitation of this species for ornamental trade be kept to a small number of individuals per year.
