introduction: the lupus anticoagulant is an immunoglobin which belongs to the antiphospholid antibodies family. its in vitro function is to interfere with coagulation tests that are dependent on phospholipids. the activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt) is a test used as screening on lupus anticoagulant research. reagents used in this test demonstrate wide sensitivity ranges. objective: to assess the performance of aptt reagents and detect the presence of lupus anticoagulant through various coagulation tests. material and method: the lupus anticoagulant research was performed in plasma from 50 female patients through aptt tests, kaolin clotting time; dilute activated partial thromboplastin time (daptt) and dilute russell%26apos;s viper venom time. three commercial cephalins were assessed through aptt and daptt tests. the confidence interval (95%) was used in the comparison among studied reagents. results: the three assessed reagents presented good accordance and the used methods answered well to the lupus anticoagulant research. discussion and conclusion: the three assessed commercial cephalins can be used in laboratorial routine for the lupus anticoagulant research.