
The gills of 34 specimens of Satanoperca pappaterra (Heckel, 1840) were analyzed, all of which had been collected from the upper Paran芍 river floodplain in Brazil, between March 2004 to June 2005. Five species of parasites were found: two digenean (metacercariae), only one monogenean, one cestode (plerocercoid) and one copepod. The monogenean Sciadicleithrum sp. was the most abundant and prevalent, followed by the metacercariae Ascocotyle sp. The results did not show any significant difference in relation to host sex with regard to the prevalence and abundance of parasites between males and females. Only Sciadicleithrum sp. presented a significant positive correlation between standard host length and the abundance and prevalence ofparasitism. The metacercariae Ascocotyle sp. presented a significant positive relation only between standard host length and abundance. Through the results, a great abundance was observed forSciadicleithrum sp. and the metacercariae Ascocotyle sp. in connected lagoons. These differences suggest this type of environment can favor parasitism, especially in the case of monoxenic cycle ectoparasites, such as the monogenean. According to the importance value, only theSciadicleithrum sp. and the metacercariae Ascocotyle sp. were considered secondary, while the others were considered satellites. The typical pattern of overdispersion or aggregation from the parasitesystem was observed for Sciadicleithrum sp., the metacercariae Ascocotyle sp. and the metacercariae Diplostomum sp. Foram examinadas branquias de 34 esp谷cimes de Satanoperca pappaterra (Heckel, 1840), coletados na plan赤cie de inunda o do Alto rio Paran芍, Brasil, entre mar o de 2004 a junho de 2005. Foram encontradas cinco esp谷cies de parasitos: dois digen谷ticos (metacerc芍ria), apenas um monogen谷tico, um cest車ide (plerocerc車ide) e um copepoda. O monogen谷tico Sciadicleithrum sp. foi a esp谷cie mais abundante e a mais prevalente, seguida pela metacerc芍ria Ascocotyle sp. Em rela o ao sexo do hospedeiro, os resultados n o indicaram diferen as significativas com a preval那ncia e com a abundancia entre machos e f那meas. Somente Sciadicleithrum sp. apresentou correla o positiva significativa entre o comprimento-padr o e a abundancia e preval那ncia de parasitismo. A metacerc芍ria Ascocotyle sp. apresentou correla o positiva significativa somente entre o comprimento padr o e a abundancia. Por meio dos resultados, observou-se maior abundancia de Sciadicleithrum sp. e metacerc芍ria Ascocotyle sp. em lagoas com conex o. Estas diferen as sugerem que este tipo de ambiente pode favorecer o p
