
The study was conducted on the prostate gland of Gaddi goat from one day old to more than five years of age divided into three groups viz; Prepubertal (1 day old to 5 yrs of age). The prostate comprised of corpus prostatae, a band like structure close to the junction of vesicular gland with the urethra, and the pars disseminate which extended in urethra well from its origin to the point of duct of bulbourethral gland. Microscopically, the corpus prostatae comprised of two compact glandular masses lying one over the other, dorsally over the origin of pelvic urethra covered by a thick fibro-reticular capsule. The gland composed of end pieces (luminated and non-luminated acini) and ducts arranged in lobulated fashion. The thickness of inter and intralobular connective tissue decreased with increased age at the expense of the growth of paraenchyma. With age the luminated secretory end pieces increased, while the non-luminatedend pieces decreased in the lobules of the gland. Glandular parenchyma were rich in mucous components by 6 month age serous and mucous components became almost equal and at 12 month age majority of the secretory end pieces turned in to serous type. The excretory ducts which were lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium in one day old kids changed to transitional epithelium in late prepubertal and pubertal animals. The glandular elements were PAS and Best%26apos;s carmine reactive while interstitial connective tissue was non reactive. Mild alkaline phosphatase reaction was evident in the interstitial connective tissue cells. A strong acid phosphatase reaction was evident in the endothelium. BPB reaction for protein was moderate to intense. Ducts and acini were PAS and Alcian Blue reactive. The reaction for glycogen and AMPS contents in the gland increased with age. It was very intense in the pubertal animals. Moderate DNA activity, mild to moderate alkaline and acid phosphatases in the glandular acini and ductal epithelium revealed functionally active secretory glands particularly in the pubertal animals. Se realiz車 un estudio de la gl芍ndula pr車statica de la cabra Gaddi, desde el d赤a uno de nacimiento hasta despu谷s de los cinco a os de edad, divididos grupos prepuberal (1 d赤a a 18 meses de edad), puberal (18 meses a %26lt;5 a os de edad) y post-p迆beres (m芍s de 5 a os de edad). La pr車stata estaba constituida por un cuerpo prost芍tico, estructura como una banda cercana a la uni車n de la gl芍ndula vesicular con la uretra, y una pars diseminada la cual se extend赤a en las paredes
