objective: to determine the impact of transferring a pediatric population to mechanical ventilator dependency units (mvdus) or to home mechanical ventilation (hmv) on bed availability in the pediatric intensive care unit (icu). methods: this is a longitudinal, retrospective study of hospitalized children who required prolonged mechanical ventilation at the mvdu located at the hospital auxiliar de suzano, a secondary public hospital in sˋo paulo, brazil. we calculated the number of days patients spent at mvdu and on hmv, and analyzed their survival rates with kaplan-meier estimator. results: forty-one patients were admitted to the mvdu in 7.3 years. median length of stay in this unit was 239 days (interquartile range = 102-479). of these patients, 22 came from the icu, where their transfer made available 8,643 bed-days (a mean of 14 new patients per month). hmv of eight patients made 4,022 bed-days available in the hospital in 4 years (a mean of 12 new patients per month in the icu). survival rates of patients at home were not significantly different from those observed in hospitalized patients. conclusion: a hospital unit for mechanical ventilator-dependent patients and hmv can improve bed availability in icus. survival rates of patients who receive hmv are not significantly different from those of patients who remain hospitalized.