The use of laboratory animals in research is a practice commonly employed, but these studies may be affected by environmental and infectious conditions. The aim of this study was to report the mixed infestation by ectoparasites in mice (Mus muscullus) kept in an animal house and to evaluate a therapeutic protocol for the control of the parasites. Twenty animals showed dry fur, crusts, intense itching, red, humid and alopecic areas in the dorsal region of the body. Microscopic examination of the fur detected mites of the species Radfordia affinis, Myocoptes musculinus and Demodex sp. Rodents were separated in two groups: group A received 1% ivermectin diluted in water (0,007mg ml(-1)) for five consecutive days and group B received only water. After 10 days of treatment, mites were not found in group A, although a greater number of parasites and skin lesions were found in the animals of group B. Based upon the results it is concluded that the therapy used was efficient in the control of the above mentioned mites.