
Se entrega informaci車n preliminar cuantitativa, sobre la presencia de cirripedios en estados de larvas cypris y estados post-metam車rficos en la dieta del molusco Chiton granosus Frembly, 1827 (Mollusca, Placophora) recolectado en Iquique, Chile. En diciembre de 2000, se observ車 la presencia de larvas cypris y post-metam車rfico con una importante abundancia relativa porcentual (N = 30, 54,1 y 39,9%, respectivamente) y con una frecuencia de ocurrencia del 100% en el total de est車magos. Adem芍s, se registr車 una alta frecuencia de larvas cypris (F% = 67) en la porci車n final del intestino, de 谷stas 15 presentaron signos de actividad vital (movimiento de ap谷ndices) en el 45% del total de est車magos analizados. La ingesta de cirripedios en estados cypris y post-metam車rficos, fue observada tambi谷n con una alta frecuencia durante cinco meses de estudio (N = 10, 96% ㊣ 6,5 y 78% ㊣ 23,6) Preliminary quantitative information is given on the presence of barnacle cyprids and post-metamorphic stages in the diet of the molluscan grazer Chiton granosus Frembly 1827 (Mollusca: Placophora) sampled at Iquique, Chile. In December 2000, we observed the presence of barnacle cyprids and post-metamorphic stages at a high relative percentage of abundance (N = 30, 54,1% and 39,9%, respectively) and they were frequent in all of the individuals analyzed. Moreover, a high frequency of ocurrence of cyprid larvae (F% = 67) was recorded in the distal portion of the intestine; of these larvae, 15 were observed with signs of vital activity (appendage movement) in 45% of all the stomachs analyzed. Ingestion of barnacle cyprids and post-metamorphic stages was observed at a high frequency throughout the five months of the study (N = 10, 96% ㊣ 6,5 and 78% ㊣ 23,6)
