Se realiz車 un estudio m谷trico de la producci車n cient赤fica de Cuba en ciencias sociales en el per赤odo 2000-2005 a partir de las publicaciones impresas cient赤ficas editadas por el Ministerio de Educaci車n y el Ministerio de Educaci車n Superior. Se estudi車 la productividad y la colaboraci車n cient赤fica de los investigadores e instituciones comprendidas en el an芍lisis. Para la compilaci車n, procesamiento y mapificaci車n de los resultados, se emplearon los programas: Endnote 9, Bibexcel y Ucinet. 6. Entre las publicaciones estudiadas, Educaci車n y Revista Cubana de Psicolog赤a fueron las m芍s productivas. Asimismo, el Instituto Superior Pedag車gico ※Enrique Jos谷 Varona§ y la Universidad Central de las Villas fueron las instituciones m芍s prol赤feras. Existe poca colaboraci車n cient赤fica entre los centros docentes y de investigaci車n, el n迆cleo del quehacer acad谷mico en las ciencias sociales, as赤 como entre los investigadores m芍s productivos. Igualmente, se presentaron problemas relacionados con la calidad de las publicaciones cient赤ficas que limitaron el alcance de la investigaci車n. Finalmente, se analizaron las categor赤as cient赤ficas y el g谷nero m芍s representativo en la comunidad cient赤fica de las ciencias sociales. A metric study was made of the scientific production of Cuba in the period 2000-2005, based on the scientific publications edited by the Ministries of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education. The productivity and scientific cooperation of the researchers and institutions included in the analysis were studied. The following programs were used in the compilation, processing and mapping of the results: Endnote 9, Bibexcel and Ucinet 6. Among the studied publications, Educaci車n and Revista Cubana de Psicolog赤a stand out as the most productive. Likewise, ※Enrique Jos谷 Varona§ Higher Pedagogical Institute and the University of Las Villas were the most prolific institutions. There is little scientific collaboration between the educational and research centres, the core of the academic work in social sciences, as well as among the most productive researchers. Likewise, there were problems associated with the quality of the scientific publications that limited the scope of the investigation. Finally, the scientific categories and the most representative genre in the scientific community of social sciences were analyzed.