
a wide variety of plants in chiapas, mexico, have potential for industrial use. acaciella angustissima, whose local name is timbre, is a leguminous shrub that accumulates tannins in its bark, which is used to tan leather. in the central depression and the comitec plateau eight sites were selected to study its biological characteristics and its habitat and to assess bark yield. the results indicated that a. angustissima is a very versatile legume that grows in different types of soils, in areas with varying temperatures, rainfall and altitudes. the shrubs studied were not morphologically different, but the specimens that grow on the comitec plateau are taller than those of the central depression. in the lomas experimental site shrub population was denser (15 390 plants ha-1) than in the other sites and 100% of this population was composed of adult plants. the highest bark yield was recorded at 4 years of age (176.0 t bark ha%26quot;1) at this site. however, the variation in population density indicates that there are no conditions for its use. therefore, it is necessary to implement a reforestation program to assure rational use of this natural resource.
