The objective of this study was to evaluate morphological changes of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and healthy controls, to correlate the MRI findings of wrists. This study compared not only morphological changes of the median nerve and also displayed descriptively structures in carpal tunnel between patients diagnosed with idopathic CTS and healthy controls. Our study involved 60 hand, 30 of hand were evaluated diagnosed with idiopathic CTS and 30 hand as healthy controls bilaterally. Two provocative tests (Phalen%26apos;s and Tinel%26apos;s test) were performed on each hand for both the patient group (60 wrist) and the control group (60 wrist). With regard to Phalen and Tinel%26apos;s test results, 24 and 26 wrists were excluded from patient and control groups respectively. Totally 70 wrists were evaluated, and in terms of cross-sectional area of median nerve at the level of distal radio-ulnar joint, pisiform bone and the hook of hamate bone by MRI in the patient and control groups. In addition to evaluation of cross-sectional area of median nerve, we determined signal intensity of wrists and different localization of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Cross-sectional area of the median nerve measured by wrist magnetic resonance at the level of metacarpal bones and signal intensity of wrists may be considered as a valuable indicator to determine patients referred with idiopathic CTS. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios morfol車gicos del nervio mediano en pacientes con s赤ndrome del t迆nel carpiano (STC) y controles sanos, para correlacionar los hallazgos de las RM de mu eca. Este estudio compar車 no s車lo los cambios morfol車gicos del nervio mediano, tambi谷n se muestran en forma descriptiva estructuras del t迆nel carpiano entre los pacientes diagnosticados con STC idiopatico y controles sanos. Nuestro estudio incluy車 60 manos, 30 manos fueron evaluados con diagn車stico de STC idiop芍tico y 30 manos como controles sanos, bilateralmente. Dos pruebas de provocaci車n (prueba de Phalen y prueba de Tinel) se realizaron en cada mano para el grupo de pacientes (60 mu ecas) y el grupo control (60 mu ecas). En lo que respecta a los resultados de prueba de Phalen y prueba de Tinel, 24 y 26 mu ecas fueron excluidas del grupo paciente y grupo control respectivamente. En total 70 mu ecas fueron evaluadas, en t谷rminos de la secci車n transversal del 芍rea del nervio mediano a nivel de la articulaci車n radio-ulnar distal, el hueso pisiforme y el hamulus del hueso hamate por medio de resonancia magn谷tica en gruposs paciente y control. Adem芍s de la ev