
The histology of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in Nigerian Africans has not been previously studied. One hundred MCAs obtained at autopsy from fifty adult Nigerians were studied. The vessels were processed and stained with Ehrlich%26apos;s haematoxylin and eosin, elastic Van Gieson and Masson%26apos;s trichrome stains. Early branches were given off before the perforators in two middle cerebral arteries, and there was one accessory MCA, making an incidence of anomalies of 3%. No aneurysm was observed in any of the cases. The internal elastic laminas were well developed but the external elastic laminas of the vessels were poorly developed. Ci車se to the bif urcations the t迆nica media tapered gradually and at the bif urcations, the t迆nica media was completely deficient being replaced by the t迆nica adventitia (Forbus raph谷). The t迆nica adventitia was thicker at the bifurcations (0.21mm) compared to other sites of the vessel. The average thickness of the MCA t迆nica media atits origin was 0.12mm while thatof the t迆nica adventitia was O.lOmm. Theseresults are similar to what has been described in the literature for Caucasians. It buttresses the assertion that anatomical anomalies of the MCA are rare. The seemingly low frequency of MCA aneurysms in Nigerian Africans is not due to its anomalies or histology. La histolog赤a de la arteria cerebral media (ACM) de los africanos de Nigeria no ha sido previamente estudiada. Fueron examinadas 100 ACM, obtenidas en autopsias de 50 individuos nigerianos adultos. Las arterias fueron procesadas y te idas con hematoxilina y eosina de Ehrlich, Van Gieson para fibras el芍sticas y tricr車mico de Masson. Ramas proximales se originan antes de la divisi車n en dos arterias cerebrales medias, y hab赤a una ACM accesoria, constituyendo una incidencia de anomal赤as del 3%. No se observ車 aneurisma en ninguno de los casos. La l芍mina el芍stica interna estaba bien desarrollada, pero la l芍mina el芍stica externa de los vasos estaba pobremente desarrollada. Cerca de la bifurcaci車n la t迆nica media es gradualmente c車nica, la t迆nica media es totalmente deficiente siendo sustituida por la t迆nica adventicia (Forbus raph谷). La t迆nica adventicia es m芍s gruesa en las bifurcaciones (0.21mm) en comparaci車n con otros lugares del buque. El grosor medio de la t迆nica media de ACM en su origen fue 0.12mm mientras que el de la t迆nica adventicia de O.lOmm. Estos resultados son similares a los que han sido descritos en la literatura para Cauc芍sicos. Es importante la afirmaci車n que las anomal赤as anat車micas de la ACM son raras. La aparentemente baja frecuencia de los aneurismas de
