Perfil cl赤nico e laboratorial de pacientes pedi芍tricos e adolescentes com diabetes tipo 1

作者:Jose; Laura Pereira da Silva; Cardoso Demartini; Adriane de A; Liberatore Junior; Raphael D R; Paulino; Maria Fernanda Vanti Macedo; Lemos Marini; Sofia Helena Valente de; Guerra Junior; Gil; Rodrigues; Albertina Gomes
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2009, 85(6): 490-494.


objective: to evaluate clinical and laboratory profiles of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in three public hospitals in sˋo paulo, brazil, since type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic illness that occurs mainly in the pediatric age group in the brazilian population. methods: cross-sectional study with patients followed up in reference centers in sˋo jos谷 do rio preto (famerp), campinas (unicamp) and sˋo paulo (conjunto hospitalar do mandaqui). data about gender, age, diabetes duration, daily insulin dose, number of daily insulin injections, and glycosylated hemoglobin (hba1c) were analyzed. results: two hundred and thirty-nine patients (131 females) were evaluated; mean age was 13.1㊣4.7 years and mean diabetes duration was 6.6㊣4.2 years. daily insulin doses ranged from 0.1 to 1.78 units/kg/day (0.88㊣0.28), and 180 (74.7%) patients had two daily injections. hba1c ranged from 4.6 to 17.9% (10.0㊣2.3%). conclusions: although the hospitals included in this study are excellence centers for the follow-up of patients with diabetes in three municipalities in the state of sˋo paulo, one of the most developed states in brazil, blood glucose control evaluated according to hba1c was not adequate. findings confirm that, despite the efforts of all the professionals involved, great challenges still lie ahead.
