
Research in the museum has a wide territory before it, involving not only the works, but also how they are arranged and displayed, the narration established with them. Various exhibitions prepared by the author show different aspects of research in the museum that affect museology as a vehicle for a history of art that is distinct from and complementary to the academic discipline. La investigaci車n en el museo tiene un amplio territorio ante s赤, del que no forman parte solo las obras, sino tambi谷n los modos en que se agrupan y muestran, la narraci車n que se establece con ellas. A trav谷s de varias exposiciones comisariadas por la autora se muestran aspectos de la investigaci車n en el museo que ata en a la museolog赤a como veh赤culo de una historia del arte distinta y complementaria a la acad谷mica.
