Ocorr那ncia de Fungos Micorr赤zicos Arbusculares em res赤duo da mineraˋˋo de bauxita revegetado com esp谷cies arb車reas

作者:Caproni; Ana Lucy; Franco; Avilio Antnio; Granha; Jose Rodolfo Dantas de Oliveira; Souchie; Edson Luiz
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2007.


the establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) was evaluated in two areas of bauxite mining residue planted to tree species inoculated with glomus clarum nicol. %26 schenck and gigaspora margarita becker %26 hall in the nursery phase. acacia holosericea a. cunn. ex g. don and sesbania virgata (cav.) pers. and a mixture of several tree species were transplanted to deposits of containing bauxite mining residue. in august, 1998 (dry season) and april, 1999 (rainy season) residue samples were collected and amf spores extracted and identified. amf spore density, relative density, frequency of occurrence of each amf species per sampling period and abundance and frequency index (afi) were estimated. spore density and amf diversity were low in both areas. a greater number of glomus clarum spores and high afi were found in bauxite residue grown to a. holosericea and s. virgata in the dry season. this was also detected in both areas in the rainy season. spores of gigaspora margarita were not detected in both areas and sampling periods. independent of amf inoculation, a large number of spores of archeospora leptoticha (schenck %26 smith) morton %26 redecker, entrophospora colombiana spain %26 schenck, acaulospora mellea spain %26 schenck and glomus macrocarpum tulasne %26 tulasne was detected.
