Vena Renal Izquierda Recurrente Retroa車rtica: Reporte de una Rara Variaci車n

作者:Inzunza H; Oscar; Inzunza A; Martin; Salgado A; Guillermo
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2011.


this paper describes the aberrant trajectory of the left renal vein. the present study describes the aberrant trajectory of the left renal vein detected in a cadaver used for teaching purposes in the department of anatomy, school of medicine, pontificia universidad cat車lica de chile. in this case, the left renal vein has a recurrent, retro aortic downward path, between vertebrae levels l ii to l v. at level of l v, the vein curves medially, passing dorsal to the abdominal aorta and joins the left common iliac vein. the recurrent left renal vein has a final diameter of 14.86 mm and receives as tributaries to the adrenal vein, the testicular vein and fine parietal branches of the left lumbar region. the normal right renal vein has diameter of 12.10 mm and converges in the inferior vena cava at 101.85 mm above the point of union of both common iliac veins. at this point, the right common iliac vein has an 18.44 mm caliber while its left counterpart which receives the recurrent left renal vein, has a diameter of 23.74 mm. the cause of this rare anomaly which incidence is around 0.16% and is only scarcely described in the literature, is based in the persistence of the postrenal segment of the left supracardinal vein and closure of the supracardinal and subcardinal anastomosis. this finding, particularly attractive for students during dissection, as they represent a clinical problem since over 40% of these aberrant veins are of interest during surgical procedures of the abdominal aorta.
