
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a a o residual dos produtos etofemprox, fenitrotiom, metidatiom e triclorfom sobre adultos de Trichogramma pretiosum, bem como sobre as gera es F1 e F2 desse parasit車ide, em condi es de laborat車rio. Ovos do hospedeiro alternativo Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lep., Pyralidae) foram aderidos em cartelas de cartolina azul, inviabilizados sob lampada germicida e tratados por imers o nas solu es inseticidas e em 芍gua destilada (testemunha) por cinco segundos. Os ovos foram expostos ao parasitismo uma, 24 e 48 horas ap車s o tratamento, por um per赤odo de 24 horas, e posteriormente mantidos em camara climatizada a 24㊣1oC, UR de 70㊣10% e 12 horas de fotofase at谷 a emerg那ncia dos parasit車ides. Etofemprox, fenitrotiom e metidatiom s o prejudiciais a T. pretiosum, enquanto triclorfom 谷 seletivo e pode ser utilizado em associa o com esse parasit車ide no controle de pragas da cultura do algodoeiro. This work aimed to evaluate the residual effects of the pesticides etofenprox, fenitrothion, methidathion and trichlorfon on adults of Trichogramma pretiosum, as well as on F1 and F2 generations of thisparasitoid species, under laboratory conditions. Eggs of the factitious host Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lep., Pyralidae) were glued to blue paper cards, UV-killed and treated by dippingin the aqueous solutions of the pesticides and in distilled water (control) during five seconds. Then, the eggs were exposed to parasitization 1, 24 and 48 hours after the treatment, during a period of 24 hours. Afterwards, the eggs were maintained undercontrolled conditions at 24㊣1oC, RH of 70㊣10% and 12 hour-photophase, until the emergence of parasitoids. Etofenprox, fenitrothion and methidathion are toxic to T. pretiosum, whereas trichlorfon is selective and can be used together with this parasitoid species to control cotton pests.
