
Socioeconomic statistical data is usually aggregated in units of administrative regions. The socioeconomic statistical data can reflect the heterogeneity between statistical units, but it cannot reflect the heterogeneity within a statistical unit. The socioeconomic statistical data cannot meet the needs of socioeconomic departments concerned in arbitrary regions. The spatial disaggregation of socioeconomic statistical data is an effective way to solve this problem. This study summarizes the existing methods of spatial disaggregation of socioeconomic statistical data, the auxiliary data used in methods for obtaining spatial disaggregation of socioeconomic statistical data, and the main socioeconomic grid data products. This study also predicts future development trends of the spatial disaggregation of socioeconomic statistical data in three aspects: the constraints and improvement directions of methods, the exploration of new auxiliary data and the comprehensive utilization of multi-source auxiliary data, the development of high temporal and spatial resolution and high-precision grid data products. The research results can provide references for the selection and improvement of spatial disaggregation methods of socioeconomic statistical data, the selection and comprehensive utilization of auxiliary data, and the selection and improvement of socioeconomic grid data products.

  • 单位
