El abordaje m赤nimamente invasivo de la hernia inguinal presenta ventajas respecto a los abordajes convencionales anteriores en las hernias inguinales bilaterales y recurrentes, si bien los resultados iniciales fueron malos, se sumaron nuevos problemas derivados del abordaje laparosc車pico. El objetivo de este art赤culo es describir la t谷cnica quir迆rgica y analizar los resultados preliminares de nuestra serie de 600 hernioplastias totalmente extraperitoneales realizadas en la Cl赤nica Universitaria de Navarra. La complicaci車n intraoperatoria m芍s frecuente (25,7%) fue la apertura accidental del peritoneo. No hubo complicaciones intrabdominales asociadas. En el seguimiento hubo 9 (1,5%) recidivas y 13 reintervenciones. Once (1,8%) pacientes desarrollaron dolor neurop芍tico transitorio en el territorio del f谷moro-cut芍neo. En nuestra experiencia el abordaje totalmente extraperitoneal es una t谷cnica especialmente indicada en hernias recidivadas y bilaterales. Las ventajas presentes en cuanto a dolor y disconfort postoperatorio, recuperaci車n de la actividad f赤sica y laboral, y los buenos resultados en cuanto a recidivas y dolor neurop芍tico nos animan a indicarla no s車lo en las hernias inguinales recidivadas o bilaterales sino en las primarias. The minimally invasive approach to the inguinal hernia shows advantages with respect to previous conventional approaches in bilateral and recurrent inguinal hernias; while the initial results were bad, new problems were added deriving from the laparoscopic approach. The aim of this article is to describe the surgical technique and analyse the preliminary results of our series of 600 totally extra-peritoneal hernioplasties, performed at the University Clinic of Navarra. The most frequent complication (25.7%) was the accidental rupture of the peritonea. There were no associated intra-abdominal complications. In the follow-up there were 9 relapses (1.5%) and 13 reinterventions. Eleven (1.8%) of the patients developed transitory neuropathic pain in the femoral cutaneous area. In our experience the totally extra-peritoneal approach is a technique that is especially indicated in relapsed and bilateral hernias. The advantages present, in terms of pain and postoperative discomfort, recovery of physical and labour activity, and the good results with respect to relapses and neuropathic pains, encourage us to indicate it not only in relapsed or bilateral inguinal hernias but also in primary ones.